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How Our site Works

Our list is ranked from top to bottom by the amount of traffic you send. The more hits we receive the higher you will be. We have integrated a new feature which combines a conventional toplist with a picture post. When a surfer clicks on the ranked headshots it will take them to a page with your full size picture along with your name and a description of your site. He may also leave a comment.

The second column on the main page is a thumbnail of your full size photo ranked in order of latest update. This will give more exposure to update their pic post photo frequently. Important: You must login to your account and change the url of your pic post photo to be listed in the photo updates column. Additionally, in order to maintain quality traffic, you will not receive credit for a hit until the surfer clicks through a link on the main page.

Does Your site Qualify?

We fully review all sites submitted and in order for us to give the surfer a high quality and comprehensive directory of amateur sites, we must screen all submitted sites using the following list of criteria.

1. Pop ups - No more than 1 pop up allowed on the url that we link to. If you plan on using our site as a pop up, you must place it on another entry page and not the page we link to.

2. Photos - Any photos submitted must be on the domain we are linking to. The photo used on the main page can only be a headshot. Non animated, no blowjobs, cumshots, ect. This image must be 70wide by 55high. You must also sumbit a large image for the picpost page. This image should be tasteful and softcore. Nude is fine but no hardcore shots like close up genitals, no cum, pee, oral, gangbangs ect. Basically if you wouldn't see it in playboy or penthouse we will not accept it here.

3. Site Guidelines - Your site must be a personal, amateur or model type site. It must have a domain name. No ip addresses allowed. No free hosted sites are allowed. You must have a quality site which includes, easy navigation, no blind links, quality content ect.

4. Affiliate Bonus - If you have an affiliate program make sure to include the url to it below because we will multiply your hits in by 2 to increase your position on the list.

If you feel your site qualifies based on all of these rules, continue to create your account.
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